Thursday, February 21, 2013

Working Together - Keeping Our Children and Ourselves Healthy

Children's Village is committed to strong Family-Teacher Partnership, we recognize that you are your child's first teacher, and are thankful for the opportunity to work alongside you in your child's healthy emotional, social, cognitive, physical, and spiritual development.

We work to keep you informed of your child's development and including you in decisions about your child.  Together we can provide a stronger program for your child.

Communication when your child is ill:
As a group care center it is important that we all work together to keep our children, teachers, and ourselves healthy.  A general "rule of thumb" is to consider - "Would you want your healthy child around another child with these symptoms?"  If the answer to that question is no - the best choice is to keep your child home.
*If you are keeping your child home due to illness or even just for fun, please give us a call and let us know.  We will have a better idea of what might be "going around" if we know why your child is home.
*Remember children with any of the following symptoms cannot remain in child care or return until they have been 24 hours symptom free:
     -Fever of at least 100* under arm
     -Signs of irritability or confusion
     -sore throat
  If your child doesn't have any of these symptoms, but isn't acting themselves, participating in normal daily activities, we will give you a heads up call to let you know how your child is doing.
*It is important when you receive a phone call that your child is ill, please make every effort to get to the child care as quickly as possible to pick up your child.  We believe that most people prefer to be home in a comfortable environment when they are ill; this is especially true for children.
*Return to care - if your child is symptom free for 24 hours (note overnight is not 24 hours) your child can return.  If your child is required to be on medication, we must have a note from the doctor and you will need to complete a medication authorization form.

Thank you for being part of our team, working together to help our children succeed!

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