Saturday, August 22, 2009

As our summer comes to a close The Beginner class has been looking back on some of our favorite field-trips and memories. Parades, camping, exploring God's creatures and learning more about our community and the importance of showing Christ's love to our neighbors...We have had a lot of fun these past couple of months! Our class has had a wonderful new teacher, Ms. Kylie, helping us this summer and we cannot thank her enough for all of the support, love and fun she has given us. Some of our friends will be moving on to new schools, new experiences and new friends, and we will miss all those who will be leaving us shortly! Our new Kindergarteners start September 1st and they are so ready and excited for elementary school! In addition to field-trips the Beginner class has continued working hard all summer learning math skills, addition, writing sentences and so much more, Ms. Beth, Ms. Fidelia and Ms. Kylie couldn't be more proud of all the hard work and success your children have achieved this school year. We will sending home Memory packets Monday, August 31st. Please enjoy all the photos of The Beginner Class Adventures!

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